S-Corp, LLC & Entity Setup with Ozark Business Services

We'll Help You Setup, Run & Maximize an

Most businesses aren’t making progress because they pay too much in taxes and lack a proactive and trustworthy tax and accounting guide.

Ozarks Business Services | Missouri

S-Corp Tax Reduction Planning & Guidance

At Ozarks Business Services, we understand the need to build a business that's scalable and profitable. Whether you're a contractor, real estate agent, restaurant owner, or farmer, we're here to support you with tax preparation, bookkeeping, payroll, and beyond.

S-Corp vs. LLC

Avoid Mistakes with
Expert S-Corp Setup & Guidance.

Improperly setting up an S-Corporation can result in IRS troubles. Our team works with you to determine if an S-Corp fits your needs and provides support throughout the conversion process, including filing tax returns and ensuring ongoing compliance.

Should you be an

An S-Corp is not the best fit for every business. Our team can help determine if an S-Corp is the right choice.

Maximize with

Our team has the expertise to maximize the benefits of S-Corps while minimizing unnecessary risk.

S-Corp Case Study: 
$100,000 Net Profit


Net Profits

($50,000 S-Corp Salary)

Social Security Taxes


Medicare Taxes


Total SE Taxes Due


Annual SE Tax Savings



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Question text goes here

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